since your children were born, you’ve had the unwavering confidence to protect
them against all odds. Your parental
skills acting as an impenetrable field against anything put in their way. You're a knight, slaying dragons that breathe
fire of pestilence, laziness, and the occasional Social Media stint that your
kids can’t escape. As your children get
older, however, they begin to drive, literally.
A 16-year-old behind the wheel is usually a scary thought; a fear for
any caring parent. In today’s blog, we
discuss 3 awesome options for keeping safe while you drive.
1. A Vehicle with High Crash Test Scores –
this isn’t really a safety feature, but it should be something you search for
in a vehicle. Look for four or five star
crash test ratings for front and side impact, as well as an endorsement from
the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The side impact test conducted by the IIHS is
designed to measure the level of occupant protection when a vehicle is struck
by an SUV or truck.
2. Frontal Airbags – most vehicles come
with these stock, featuring sensors which consider factors like occupant size,
seat position and crash sensitivity to determine the level they should inflate. Advanced airbags effectively reduce the risk
of an injury.
3. Side-impact and side curtain airbags –
These are mounted in either the seat backs or doors and protect the torso during
side-impact crashes. Generally, they’re
usually for front seat occupants, but manufacturers give you the option to have
them for the backseat. These airbags
span the length of the cabin and provide head protection for outboard occupants
in side-impact collisions. Also
protecting during a rollover by keeping everyone inside safe. A lost of crash related deaths stem from
ejection for the vehicle.
What are some additional safety features you would recommend?
Let us know!
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