Wednesday, September 4, 2013

4 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Car

We all know that Americans LOVE their cars.  From the classic pickup, to the economical sedan, we all have some type of affinity toward the vehicles we drive.  It’s always good to know even a little bit about your vehicle including a few factoids we’ve laid out.  So, without further ado, here are 5 things you DIDN’T know about your vehicle:

1 – Think your car has the power of 200 horses under that hood?  Well, it’s more like 285.  Why?  It’s because the average horse can only pull about as much as 70% of the measure of one horsepower unit.

2 – Your car has a mini computer under the hood. This computer can tell technicians at our dealership of any diagnose issues you have, it can also connect wirelessly to download updates and contact the manufacturer in case of issues (on newer models).

3 – Gas in America is SUPER cheap.  Yes, so stop complaining.  In most countries, gas prices are twice as much a gallon or more.  Plus, you pay way more for other staples like coffee. A gallon of Starbucks coffee would run you almost ten times what a gallon of gas costs. If you want to trade a gallon of gas for a gallon of good coffee, head on down to your local auto shop. We’re certain they’ll take that deal in a heartbeat.

4 – Cars are a serious harm to animals.  These animals also pose a hazard to cars and drivers, causing accidents that require expensive auto repair and injuries.  In fact, car drivers kill more deer every year than hunters do, by quite a lot.

Do you have any facts that most drivers wouldn’t know of?  Feel free to comment below!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Maintain Your Car Shine During Summer

“Cleanliness is next to godliness.”  The age-old quote does have some clout in the modern day world we live in.  A clean paintjob can make your car shine and reflect (pun intended) your character.  Wax, basically used on wood to create a water resistant barrier, and polish, used on modern vehicle paint, can make your car dull.  It creates a cover over your paint job that makes it age faster.  The main cog in keeping your paint job new is to avoid friction, meaning abrasive polish, waxing or buffering.  Below is a quickstep process for keeping that shine.

1.    Pure liquid and non-abrasive application will preserve your paint, so choose a product that does not include wax, abrasives or polish.
2.    Make sure it is a spray or mist.
3.    Wash your car with clear water and grease cutting liquid soap.
4.    Starting at the top, hose the car down, then grab a bucket of soapy water and a soft brush and do the same. 
5.    Hose the car while you scrub with the brush.
6.    Take a soft towel and dry the vehicle without letting the soap dry. 
7.    Starting with a clean dry towel on clean dry paint, apply the spray conditioner sparingly to the top of the vehicle and spread it out.
8.    Acrylic conditioners are absorbed into the paint and have a application spread rate of 10 to 1 in area sprayed to area covered.
9.    Do not over saturate your paint.
10. After completing the top follow the same conditioning pattern as when washing, finishing at the bottom.
11. The total application time for a spray mist conditioner is under 10 minutes per vehicle.
12. Conditioners do not harden and will continue to add conditioning strength to the paint days after the application.
13. The effects will last for months, vehicle easily clean up with just water. No soap is needed when using a true acrylic paint conditioner.
14. The Shine will lasts for months, no wax is needed.
15. Reapply once a month and your factory shine will last longer than with any wax or polish being sold today.
(Courtesy of wikiHow)

Need some tips on washing your car effectively?  Check out these quick tips on our recent blog:

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Our Top Instagram Pics of August

Once in a while, we find a picture on Instagram that’s worth sharing.  It’s usually a snippet of perfection, framed by the small screen of a smartphone.  Check out our FAVORITE Instagram photos of August in our newest blog post below: 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Staying AWAKE Behind the Wheel

Hey, Fans.  Here at the dealership, we make your well being a huge factor.  By creating and maintaining a safe environment for you, we give you the chance to feel comfortable in coming to see us for a vehicle.  Any questions regarding vehicle maintenance and safety can be answered quickly and efficiently.  We wish we could be with you every step of the way after your purchase, but we know that most commutes occur alone.  That’s why we’ve compiled some details of staying awake behind the wheel.  We’ve all driven home tired, even when we know we shouldn’t be.  By following these rules, you can avoid turning a bad situation into a catastrophic one. 

1.    Get a Good Night’s Sleep! – Getting a good night’s sleep is essential to good driving habits.  Eight hours is the usual requirement, but almost a third of adults receive less than 6.
2.    Learn and Heed Warning Signs of Fatigue – experiencing wandering thoughts? Yawning repeatedly? Find yourself dosing off periodically?  Take a break and re-adjust yourself.
3.    Drive with a Passenger – if you can, have someone accompany you on the drive home.  That way, you can engage in conversation and avoid dosing off. 
4.    Schedule a Break – on long trips, every 2 hours or every 100 miles, take a break to stretch and catch your bearings before you continue to your destination.
Feel free to add your own tips!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Gas Saving Myths

Gas fluctuates so often, that it’s difficult to find a consistent method of getting affordable gas ALL of the time.  With the emergence of smartphones, we can search the nearby area for gas station prices, but it’s still difficult to consistently find a price we don’t mind paying.  Sure you want to save gas, but there's a lot of bad advice on how to do it. Some of it makes no difference, and some of it can wind up costing you.  So, here’s a look at a few misconceptions:

1.)    Filling Your Tank in the Morning

Many people have heard that filling your gas in the morning is opportune because the fuel is cold.  The theory is that fluids are more dense at lower temperatures, so a gallon of cold gas has more molecules than a gallon of warmer gas.  However, the temperature varies little during the course of the day, so there’s little difference in early gas.

2.)    Changing Your Air Filter

A clean air filter WON’T save you gas.  Engines have sensors that automatically adjust the fuel-air mixture as an increasingly clogged air filter choles off the engine’s air supply.

3.)    Using Premium Fuel

Lately, premium gas has been a hard sell for gas stations.  However, many drivers still fill up with premium gas.  Newer cars for which premium is recommended, but not required, won’t suffer with regular fuel.  The result is a slight reduction in peak horsepower that a normal daily driver won’t even notice. 

4.)    Pumping Up Your Tires

Ok.  First and foremost, proper tire inflation is important.  Under-inflated tires can lead to accidents and poor handling.  According to on-the-road driving tests by both Consumer Reports and auto information site, underinflated tires reduce fuel economy, so proper inflation is key. But you should never over-inflate your tires. They'll get you slightly better fuel economy because there will be less tread touching the road, reducing friction. But that means less grip for braking and turning. The added risk of a crash isn't worth the extra mile a gallon you might gain.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Top 5 Things Drivers HATE

To begin today’s blog, lets paint a vivid picture of what could, or has, happened during your morning commute.  So, there you are, slowly sipping your morning coffee, the morning dew and the soothing sounds of your favorite band create a cozy safe haven on your way to work.  Your hands are on the wheel, and you’re focused.  Then, out of NOWHERE some (EXPLETIVE) swerves into your lane, causing you to spill your coffee and react swiftly to avoid injury.  In your panic-stricken state, you’ve managed to avoid an accident.  In that moment you look up to watch the person that swerved into your lane speed by, oblivious to what he had just done.  Your keen eyes focus in on him long enough to realize he was updating his Facebook status.  WOW.  In today’s blog, we asked our community for the top 10 things people HATE when they’re driving. 

Tailgaters – people that creep behind closely to your vehicle in a stop and go motion.  Usually they’re in a rush to go nowhere.

Texters – either they’re updating their Facebook status, tweeting, sending a text or writing their monologue; these individuals are causing HUGE accidents.  This can all be avoided by focusing on the commute at hand!

The “no signal when turning lanes” Guy – this person is infuriating.  They change lanes without looking or indicating.  All of this to arrive at a red light with nowhere to go.

Rubberneckers – there’s always that one person that stops an entire highway to gawk at something of interest.  A pretty billboard, a traffic accident, who knows?  Either way they’re ANNOYING and troublesome for those pressed for time.

The Makeup Queen – this young woman (or man for that matter) is applying an entire face of makeup while operating a motor vehicle.  This is a HUGE no no. 

So, do you have any to add?  What really grinds your gears?

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

How to Efficiently Test-Drive A Vehicle

We have to admit, we love the test drive.  Seeing a potential driver leave our lot, smile intact, back poised, and prepared for the road ahead, makes us feel like an integral part of their life.  Test-driving a car is important because it solidifies your buying decision.  There’s a series of questions potential buyers ask themselves.  At our dealership, we’re here to help.  In today’s blog we’re going to discuss the best ways to test-drive your car and the questions you should ask yourself when you’re driving.  

Most purchasers start their research online.  By checking out our automotive dealership website, you can consider what features you would like your new vehicle to have.  The options are endless, including: color choice, specs, and features.  Also, keep in mind that these are based on your individual preferences and you should never settle for a vehicle you’re not “sold” on.  Once you come into the dealership, it’s time to “feel the wheel.”  You saw what you liked online, and now you want to see if that translates into your true experience.  These are some questions you should ask as you step behind the wheel of your dream car:

Is it easy for me to enter and exit the vehicle without banging my head?

Is the driving position comfortable?  Is my seat positioned too high or low when I’m in the passenger seat? 

Are all of the controls easily accessible when I’m in a driving position?

Are the controls easy to use?

Do the gas and brake pedals match my body type and are they adjustable? 

Some other tips include checking out the vehicle from a spectator point-of-view.  Listen for the noise level inside the car, as well as the acceleration, braking, cornering, suspension, seat comfort and cargo space.  These are all major factors that can help your buying decision.  Your test-drive is meaningful to us and we want you to enjoy your experience as much as possible.  Happy Shopping!